Thursday, July 7, 2011

Another billion in debt added by GOP, that was plenty.

Pawlenty, former WTF GOP Minnesota governor, entered the esteemed office facing a $4 billion debt, and left it with $5 billion owed, book keeping acrobatics and no tax raises left it growing for the Democrat Gov to face.  Ah, the good life in Minnesota.
 President Bush did something like this, only better, three whole orders of magnitude better, and most the GOP revere him.

This won't hurt Timmy with the base, it may help.


  1. This moron can't even run his own state and he wants to be President? And Perry, down in Tex-Ass is getting ready to violate international law with the execution of a Mexican. The White House has asked for a stay - I can hear Perry now, "Fuck Obama".
    The GOP has amnesia when it comes to who ran us up to our asses in red ink. Don't let them fucks forget that...


  2. The "borrow and spend" Republicans first run up a huge national debt" and then blame the "tax and spend" Democrats for wanting to raise the taxes necessary to pay off the debt.

  3. Sarge, I don't let'em forget, but, they don't believe me, it's a stone wall I talk to in Kansas.

    Whit, borrow and spend Repubs, that is exactly what they have done for many years.


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