Thursday, July 7, 2011

He can do a trabeculectomy or a lobotomy, steady hand please

For many years I have had glaucoma in one eye.  Treated with drops, it has not progressed until suddenly the last few months I am aware of declining sight in that eye, and the eye is bloody red, the drops now are as much an irritant as a benefit.  The body pumps fresh liquids into the eye, then it drains out.  Glaucoma is an increase in pressure within the eye caused by reduced outflow capacity.  The increased pressure kills off a few light gathering cells now and then, mostly in the peripheral vision area, eventually leaving you with tunnel vision, like looking through a pipe.

My loss up to now is a little different, the amount of light I see in that eye is diminished, things are a bit soft looking, there are a few little areas on the peripheral that I miss, but most I see, just a little smokey.  I am not looking through a paper towel tube yet.  

Happily, there is a surgery that can stop the progression of glaucoma, usually its benefit lasts a number of years, sometimes for a very long time.  Being only 10,000 years or less (only 500 or 600 grandfathers) from the hunter gatherer lifestyle, letting someone mess with my feet or eyes seems the worst risk, the ultimate stupidity we could commit.  The doctor I will use has over 1,000 of these surgeries since 1984, only 1 every 3 to 5 yeas ends in disaster, loss of vision or eye.  Without the surgery, I will be looking through a pin hole soon, a few months, maybe a few years.  I am not worried, I'll go for it.  It's scheduled for about 2 weeks.

Trabeculectomy is: lift the eyelid, cut into the eye, make a pinhole in it, put some crud in it to keep it from healing shut, stitch around it to keep it from spreading, eye patch, meds, 4 weeks do no exercise or strain, (prune juice cocktails).  The goal is end up with a new artificail drain to let the pressure stay low, but not to low, thus a second reason for the stitch, it can be tightened to reduce the size of the hole, after a few weeks it is suppose to be set at the right size.  Of course if I heal it shut then, or years from now, it has to be re done.  Thank goodness for insurance, if I lose my job and insurance or the GOP kills the new health care, I will not be able to get insurance to cover any adjustments to this over the coming years.  In that case I hope you aren't of rotund proportions, I would'nt be able to see all of your fat ass as I peep through my pin hole.  


  1. Lobotomy also begins with a scalpel inserted under the eyelid, though I don't want that, if I get one I won't care will I.

  2. I have watering eyes, but nothing like that. Eye drops seem to do the job for me. Hang in there and keep me posted...


    Into the 2nd week on the no booze thing. Feels good...

  3. Watering eyes? I get those looking at your daily eye candy, that's probably all the matter with you Sarge.

  4. I was feeling just a touch of self-pity because I have to start taking blood pressure medication. I don't mind taking a couple pills a day but I figured the cost would kill me. Just found out, though, $40/month will cover both.

    So far my eyes are hanging in there. My dad had a similar procedure a few years back, whenever Phil Mickelson won his first Masters. (We watched it together, he had to use a mirror like device for some reason.)

  5. If he pulls out the Benihana knives, leave the room.


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