Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dear Congressman, should I write it on the bathroom wall, will you know I wrote it?

Today I decided, in a hurry, to whip up a brief email to my congressman, a first term (R).  Well I spent 5 minutes on it, not a masterpiece of writing, but I think it says mostly what I intended.   So, I type in his email and it bounces, I go to the web site and they want me to post it on twitter or facebook, I guess so the masses can ridicule it.  I call the office and ask for his email address, lots of beating around the bush but they don't want to give it, instead I should follow his web sites instructions.  I insisted to get it, no, they would give me one but not his.  Who's is it, it's the staff, they read it and tell him of the important ones.  I ask if I was from Koch Industries, his biggest owner, could I have his email, failing that I ask does the staff read Koch's emails and report if it seems important, well it went down hill from there, he wouldn't have paid attention to it any how, so I am sending his email here, to this electronic equal to the bathroom wall, the impact will be the same, Pompeo will never know a thing about it.  
Congressman Mike Pompeo,

I believe you are making a mistake opposing a compromise on the dept ceiling which includes closing loopholes on the rich and oil industry, returning them part way to what they were during the Reagan era, when the middle class and small business prospered and rose from an economic slowdown.  It appears you have no ability to compromise, even when you have the advantage.  It reminds me of a friend of mine who was in the Israel Air Force and fought Syria said about then Yassar Arafat who was given opportunities but walked away, "he never passes up a chance to pass up a chance".   You, and Mr. Cantors misguided friends, by pushing this game near the deadline are risking running up the interest rates for every borrower in the nation, both government and private.  It appears you would damage the nation to make your point.  I guess you will stand your ground protecting the top 5% income earners and let the vets retirement checks lay in the printers office.  

Since when did Republicans stop supporting people who fight dictators, since when did we stop giving back door and covert succor to freedom fighters?  Your votes on Libya are 180° from what Reagan would have done.  

Your losing me Mike, I had regrets when you won the primary knowing you had filled your first machine shop with foreign built machinery over US made, and in your second shop farmed most the work to China.  With your latest actions I feel even greater remorse at being in your district.

1 comment:

  1. Get some. I just nailed Coats about McConnell and his single-minded focus on making Obama a one-termer while ingnoring the debt ceiling crisis. I called him last ditch option a scam.
    But, that may be the only way out.
    Here it is though - can Boehner get it past the baggers and will DeMint or Paul filibuster it in the Senate.
    Anyway it goes - the Republicans get the blame.



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