Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gas prices fall, companies cut back on drilling, launch PR campaign for more drilling

Natural gas prices are falling since Obama came into office and the number of rigs drilling for oil and gas is at the highest count ever.  In order to prevent events benefiting consumers, gas companies like Chesapeake Energy, the nation’s second biggest natural gas producer, announced Monday that it would cut production of gas by about 8% to force prices up.  
Global warming's higher winter temperatures are also driving down demand for natural gas, in some areas it's greatly reduced.  
In spite of this reality, the industry is going ahead with a blitz of adverts crying for increased drilling rights and fewer regulations, pretending we have shortages, pretending we can have clean coal and risk free pipes and refineries.  Even oil is currently in surplus, with production up, imports down and exports last year of oil exceeding all other products.  Exporting a finite resource we have been short of most our history, it boggles the mind, it's capitalism by and for the 1%. 
Our utility ask to increase rates, they actually got socked in the kisser, the state said they should lower rates, but you see what the industry would do if they could.

1 comment:

  1. Go an see who your congressmen are taking money from. Do you see why the cocksuckers are so adamant about a consumer protection agency? Their donors get their coffers filled and are able to donate even more bucks to their lap dog pals on the Hill while We The People take it in
    the fucking shorts!

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