Monday, January 30, 2012

Republican businessmen want to hire Mexican illegals

It's pretty hard to understand how the human brain works.  There's no easier way these days to get a room full of blue and white haired republicans up gripping their walkers than for a speaker to bash Mexicans and the democrats that are too chicken-shit to send em south.  The Republican says those wet backs take our jobs, speak funny, and lets see, oh yea they walk through killer deserts to what, eh lets see, they work in bloody slaughterhouses with no health care, clean toilets, shingle steep roofs without safety equipment, pick blackberries, apples, oranges, fix flats, haul garbage, mow yards, sure sounds like people we don't want.

In Kansas, at the same time our AG writes laws for us and other states, he wrote the Airzona Mexican bounty hunter law, at the same time they want to hear if Noot or Mitt will hire the most busses to drive them south what do we have in Kansas?  The Kansas Agriculture thingy in the state house has applied to the federal government for a waiver.  Farm businesses such as farms, slaughterhouses, farm suppliers and service groups want to be able to hire illegals, exempt themselves and the illegal from the anit-illegal laws they want so badly for the public to support.  There's more.  The construction industry is going to ask the state to apply for a waiver for it too.  

Last week it was made public this red state cut off needy children if they live with an illegal, citizen children of illegals cannot get food stamps or any type of support if illegals live in their house, the parents have to move out, leave for the kids to get support, then I guess the state has to put them in foster care or up for adoption, this is so fucked up.  Yet, the business community, which in Kansas is 90% sure to be republican owned, wants illegals to stay, and awaits with glee the next dog whistle campaign add about dirty Mexicans.


  1. Darrel,
    That doesn't amaze me one bit. Indiana is Red to the bone and several anti-immigrant laws are either on the books in a watered down form (for the reasons you mentioned) or they are pending.
    The guy next door not only hires illegals - He has one living with him - they do concrete and I have been told that they low bid every job.
    The roofing, dry wall, green (landscaping and law care) industry, and fast food is all Hispanic. But, its is cheap...

    So, as long as you keep your ass out of the barrio - You don't mind if the guy cutting your grass is a wetback...

    Red Gold Tomatoes will hire gadzillions this summer to harvest the crop - they have little sheds for them to live in - even a catinna.
    A lot stay on and work in the plants...

    No ICE inspectors...


  2. The dirty little secret of American capitalism is that it depends heavily on exploiting somebody. First it was African slaves in the South and immigrant laborers/indentured servants in the North. Now it's Mexicans and Central/South Americans.

    Here's a perfect refutation of 'the market' being interfered with by the people who most sing its praises. A market-based solution to the problem of hard to fill jobs is to make the compensation more attractive. Cuts into the profit margin, yes, but what a perfect opportunity to practice what one preaches.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. NAC
      The same conditions occurred in late 1800's and early 1900's with Chinese. The railroads and road contractors encouraged Chinese to come to America to build the railroads west of the mississippi. Then the counties and states all over the west hired contractors to build the early hiways (if they could be called that), those contractors hired Chinese. Everywhere they went they were abused, and attacked as Mexicans today for not having gotten here in the right way, speaking funny, eating different, working cheap. They also brought in Puerto Ricans as cowboy laborers and to work on railroads, my barbers grandfather is burried in the oldest cemetary in Wichita, they have been here for many generations, he came here working on the first railroad to the city and stayed.


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