Monday, January 19, 2015

Im not a scientist, but holy melted ski slope batman.

1 in 27 million.  That's the odds of a random occurrence causing since the 1850's that 13 of the hottest 15 years could be after the year 2000.  It ain't random, we done it.


  1. The 1% media does NOT want to hear shit like this. Behave!

  2. O.F., Yes sir, I will try to behave, but the chance of it happening is about 1 in 27,000,000.

  3. Greetings! It's been a looooong time. Glad to see you still have the fire! Are you on fb or twitter I'm Illumination Guy aka Joram Echeles.

    1. JE, wow I have wondered where you went. Glad to hear from you. I will do a friend request at fb, I'll be the guy with hair like yours, holding a wine glass talking into a microphone. Be advised, I don't get on fb very often. Never warmed to it that much.

  4. It's all a liberal hoax. These hot years are cyclical, just ask Faux Noise Channel. And when the water is lapping at the coast of Iowa in a hundred years, no one responsible will be around to admit they were lying.

    1. S man: The day started out with the Senate voting 99 to 1 that climate change was real, then a few hours later Inhoff was sworn in as head of the science haters committee, took the gavel and launched an epic rant saying it is a hoax. No surprise that he is bipolar or schitz-O-friziic, but wow, when he goes off the meds he changes within hours.


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