Monday, August 20, 2012

Bump, we ran over a rat, or that's all Ryan has

1%.  Rmoney's post Ryan pick polls varied by states, 1% loss here, up to 4% gain one place.  Overall the veep bump was around 2% averaged and now is on the downside of the bell curve (bump), currently back to an averaged 1% gain.  The lowest of any veep impact in the last 60 or so years.
Shortly they head into the rich peoples convention, another bump normally, followed in a few days by the Dem's which should energize their folks and even out the millionaire's show bump.

Palin and Quail at least were picks for the youth vote, add Palin was also the first trailer trash glamour choice. But Ryan adds nothing to the ticket except if he can sell seniors on the idea that the right thing to do for this nation is to let them keep something the nation cannot afford but make the tough choice and cut off their kids and grandkids from it so they won't suffers a socialism retirement of small but reliable monthly stipends and a minimum level of health care.

For the record, the largest increase ever from a veep pick, Clinton's Gore, it averaged 6% at peak and settled a little over 4%.


  1. Mittens will regret picking Paul Ryan because with him came his budget, Medicare, Social Security and his asking for sequester funding after voting against it - which, McConnell, Boehner, Cantror, Kyl, and all the rest shamelessly did.

    Good post my friend,


    1. As did his his very good friend Akin the rape expert.

  2. Fringe,
    According to a Tom Tomorrow cartoon, Ryan drew Social Security Survivor's benefits. And Ayn Rand, darling of the small government types, drew on Social Security AND Medicare when she fell ill.

    1. Mister O;
      Ryans father in law is an oil man, holds and sells leasing and drilling rights in several states, a multi-millionaire. Ryan is the number 4 or 5 largest oil money recipient in the house. HIs wife was a lobbyist for oil and drug companies. His votes on oil subsidies, the EPA, and medical issues were clearly a family interest issue and not for the publics best interest.


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