Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Virtual online community, death, inheritance

In this world wide community on the internet, a virtual community, virtual family, so what about death?

Virtual community law is out there, struggling to figure out who really owns or belongs or has claim to the either, to the babble.   Could we be in virtual adultery by writing comments to often to someone?  Can we put up a virtual will?  Leave your blog to the cat?  A charity web site?  Will it be fought over by your virtual family?

When I die, does Sarge of One Angry Zebra inherit my space?  I've known him longer than any in my  virtual community, he broke my internet cherry after all, you never forget your first time.      Where's the obit column, the online wake organizer, how does it work?  Is no one out there to notify all the sometime back yard neighbors that say high over the comment fence even if you only get that greeting twice a year it's still part of the community.  Will the creeps that flame you hoot god hates fags at your passing?  One day the site just sets there, never an update, no one knows, was it self immolation with printer ink or another face lift gone septic.   Will anyone know?


  1. Darrel,
    1. You were good. A moaner, but I like that.
    2. This is like with Mosley - once with C got to his ass he lost all interest in emails. I doubt he had a blog or you know that would have been right of that freak David. But, his thing on the net ceased as did he.

    Interesting topic, I am curious - What prompted that?


    1. 1. It's tiresome you wanting to be on top so much.
      2. for those who don't know these guys mentioned, just ignore it.
      and unnumbered. Just wondering who gets control of my blog estate after I'm killed in action, drafted by the Texas-pan-Kansas army to throw out the UN army after communist Obama gives the nation to the guys in blue beanies. (see Squatlo's post)

  2. I have a dead blog on my blogroll. The person died two years ago, her daughter wrote a last post and I haven't removed it from my blogroll. I would say it's in limbo and will stay that way until the internet dies. Just clicked on the blog and got a malware warning. Guess it's time to delete it from my blogroll.

  3. No one can really update your blog once your dead unless you give your login information to everyone.


Anonymous comments might end up in the trash.