Thursday, August 16, 2012

Canada 2%, US 16%, Republican's holding office 80%

Global warming.  Do you believe, or suspect it is happening, that the planet is warming rapidly.  Regardless if you think we do or do not contribute to it, does the data and science indicate a trend?

In Canada only 2% say no.  In Europe overall it is much like Canada.  In the US 16% say no.  Republicans in general are in the 30's, while GOP elected officials are about at 80% deniers all the way up to the Presidential wannabees.  

Of the 16%, I think the bulk are in my neighborhood, or are my business associates.  By the way, the US now ranks in the mid 20's on testing students in science, may have something to do with this.  

Last night I saw a show about new energy forms.  In the end it focused on the brick wall idea that we cannot afford to change from our current fossil fuel system.  They made a case about the filth and death in highly populated European cities of 200 and 300 years ago where besides all the horse shit in the streets at night all the chamber pots were tossed out the window, the cities were septic and every dress tail drug through it.  Someone came up with a plan for toilets to empty inside buildings into underground sewage network, later clean water systems were added.  The cost, about 1% of GDP, and today, our water and sewage grid is still about 1% of GDP.  This is infact not a cost but a savings of hugh proportions as cities are not periodically wiped out by typhus or any number of diseases.

What would it cost to walk away from coal fired plants, halt the fracking, and build distributed solar panel and wind systems with other new forms of power and smart meters and more efficient transformers, machinery, lights, appliances, batteries and power lines and transport?  About 1% of GDP, the same as turd control.  The savings would be hugh, security improved from storms and foreign sources, less pollution, lower cost for everyone, yes in the longrun a lower cost.

China is expanding every new energy source as fast as it can, as is Germany, Denmark, and many other European nations.  In a few years their energy costs and secondary costs will be far below ours.  The US, while thankfully adding many new wind mills and solar panels, we are losing ground fussing about crooked scientist and bowing to the monied class who will deliver us a warmer dryer continent, for a profit. 
One more thing about global warming demonstrated through this summers drought and heat wave.  Some of the corn silage is poison now.  Nitrogen fertilizer take up by the plant which then was stunted by the weather never got converted, some of it is still nitrogen.  When farmers saw the corn would not produce ears full of kernals, some cut it and chopped the whole plant for cattle food, mixing it with other plant material and molasses and hormones.  This silage, a cattle feed, is suspect now in some areas.  The actual corn that you may encounter in your processed food or diabetic causing soft drink is not a problem, so drink all the high fructose corn syrup shit you can afford, I have a whole field of it to get sold and I don't care if they amputate your feet or not, I just want to profit from your ignorant attaction to hollow calories, its a free country.  


  1. The fact that a few ideologues can convince a sizeable portion of society that man-made global warming is a myth underscores my long-held theory that you can never underestimate the ignorance and gullibility of the American public.
    We can be sold any line of shit, and have since PT Barnum's days.

    Breaking the chokehold of the petroleum industry on our energy policy will take massive outrage from the population, and this won't happen anytime soon, I don't care how hot it gets or how fucked up the crops or water become.
    We simply can't be bothered to care on a level massive enough to change the current dynamic. And we twiddle our fingers at our own peril.

    Amazing blindness and apathy.

  2. The climate change denial thing is going to bite US in the ass big time one of these years. Until then it's an uphill battle to try to get those in charge to make any changes. It's still "Drill Baby, Drill".

    I have been trying to avoid "High Fructose Corn Syrup" for many years now, ever since I found out that shit is not good for you. There are some things that it is almost impossible to find without HFCS in it. I like my feet.

    1. Kulkuri,
      The science deniers will just do what GW did about the lack of WMD in Iraq and say, "We got that one wrong".

      HFCS? I checked this bottle of 9 year old Knob Creek - I think it is safe.


    2. Kulkuri;
      Please, keep your feet, I like them to and I have never even seen them. HFCS is a killer, it feeds some cancer, it converts good bodies into diabetic obese lumps. Put cancer cells in a petri dish, drip green tea or broccli juice or blueberries or garlic on it and the cells slow their growth or die. Drip HFCS on it and they continue to grow, in some cases faster.

    3. Sarge; hard hooch has it's own problems, every bit as dangerous in the same way as HFCS, plus others more severe. Please, as I do, very low volumes, I'm not kidding you, I don't drink more than a couple tablespoons of good stuff a couple times a week, a mixed drink once a month if that. Wine not very often, less than a bottle once a month, beer, one bottle with supper about 3 times a week.

    4. I really like the taste, I'm almost never in it for the buzz, OK bur rarely after a good piss-me-off event or a backache,


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