Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Poland as Romney's shining city on a hill

The GOP's great white hope after checking on his $77,000 tax deduction horse in the Olympics, ran to Poland and bragged up their economic success as a model to admire.

Poland has the last few years of world wide slow down stayed somewhat competitive by deliberate massive devaluation of their currency.   Is that what he wants to do for us?  Poland has health care and national pensions, yet he wants to destroy those for us.  So what exactly are we to make of it, devalue the dollar or keep health care and shore up social security?  What are we to imitate here?

I wonder if he had time to call his Swiss banker and check the price of the Swiss Franc, do you think he told the Swiss to use this model?


  1. Fuk Mittens.
    Little cloth netted mittens.


  2. Fringe,
    After Romney irritated the Brits and alienated the Palestinians, I'm surprised he didn't deliver ethnic jokes in Poland.


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