Thursday, August 2, 2012

see honey, it looks bigger shaved

We hardly ever eat meat, but the wife came home with some chicken, I can't stand the way they sell it, in a shrink wrap condom, smashed down on a little kotex thingy, I guess it's like the cotton in asprin, something for nothing?  Cock-a-doodle-don't.  Chicken?  Stick this in your mouth, it can't be any worse for you than cigarettes, or blowing hitchikers.   They say it's had a good life though, grain fed, no recycled chicken shit, free range to, and drank only carbonated water the last 2 weeks.  Supposedly it was killed humanely, they petted it and let it look at pictures of pigeons first, that relaxes hens, but cocks like ducks better, it's the way the walk, they need to do more for cocks.


  1. Yeah Food Inc really made me want to vomit when they discussed the homogenization of the 6 billion chickens slaughtered annually.

  2. Beats the shit out of that dog carcass hanging in that open market in Seoul.


  3. If we saw what went on at commercial slaughterhouses and corporate pig/chicken farms we'd never eat meat... and because I'm a carnivore of the first order, I prefer to not know what goes on in the production of meat products.

    Blissfully ignorant.

  4. You had me busting up when I read the title. That was great.


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