The GOP says they will repeal Obama's and the auto industry's new 54.7mpg standards. This agreement does not make their fossil fuel owners happy. What a bunch of morons. Romney says Americans don't want cars like this. Well, that's not true, many do and the rest of the world does and thats where the big market is for cars, billions of them. Piss this agreement away, encourage the domestic builders to ignore it and watch the Asian car makers kick our ass around the globe.
Well it will make cars more expensive, maybe, maybe not, the offset in fuel cost will be hugh, I saw those savings with my Camry hybrid. Sure governments make cars more expensive, but they also cause them to be better. Cars are better and safer than ever before. When I was a kid you had to know how to work on a car, something was always needed. Now you just drive and drive, they always start. You can just put gas and oil in a Honda civic and it will run for years. My brother was a car salesman when they came out with the third (center) brake light, you would have thought the government was taking over his life, oh shit this is horrible, and the expense, $80 rise in list price. Same when the air bags came out. Cars are so much safer because of gov. requirements. And this will save us money and clean up the air and fuck over the oil men. Oil and coal and NG needs to become a backup power source, alternatives, thats the ticket.
In a way you have to give Detroit credit, they figured out how to sell station wagons with a huge profit. Build them on a truck chassis and call them SUVs. Less regulations on trucks, so higher profit margins. The thing I don't understand is the four door pickup (I not talking about the redneck truck, the one-ton daully crew-cab with 8ft box[don't see many of those these days]. I'm talking about the four door pickups with barely enough room in the box for groceries). Who the hell needs one of them, not even someone in construction because you can't even haul a riding lawn mower in it without leaving the tailgate down. If they used the same marketing to sell fuel efficient cars, we'd be a lot better off.
ReplyDeleteThat third brake light?? That was a Repuke idea, Elizabeth Dole as Secretary of Transportation came up with it. It's called the "Libby Lite".
DeleteThanks for the info, you know one hell of a lot of stuff, "Libby lite", nice. I agree with you on the big pick ups. Those things are as thick as republicans up here, and just as much a waste of money, I rarely see one with more in it than the driver.
ReplyDeleteYou are missing what this is all about; money. More energy efficient and enviromentally friendly vehicles don't make the auto makers as much money as something like a Dodge Ram.
More energy effeicient cars and trucks puts the meat to BOG Oil - and BIG Oil has lobbyists with carpet bags full of friggin money. And, both sides of the aisle are on the take...
Ron, didn't miss it at all, I live in the shadow of the Evil Empire's Death Star, the Koch brothers world headquarters. These pricks have given every republican running for any office in this state money, the repub running for dog catcher even gets a few dollars, I believe they have given around 3 million out so far just in this little (population wise) state.
DeleteAnd, fucking AND.....if they can double the mileage there is another bonus, they can make the fuel tank 1/2 the size, making the car safer in accidents, and by reducing 7 or 8 gallons at 8 lbs or more per gallon, 60ish pounds out of the car means another attribute helping the better mpg average.