Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Utility company uses GOP tax plan for pricing natural gas

Morning paper carried a sour note.  The gas utility here is applying for a new pricing scheme.  Based on the Republican tax bill, this new system rewards waste and mcMansions, punishes small users and conservation.  Looks like it was written by Paul Ryan.

It works approximately like this:  Raise the monthly fee for being connected - a lot.  Lower the volume of use rates.

An apartment dweller, or small home owner, or a mom and pop business will see a monthly 8% increase for natural gas.
A person with a hugh house or a medium size business will see a 5% decrease.
Large business owners will see a 8% decrease.

Only yesterday I saw an article about conservation pricing.  A very very low monthly fee that will include a small amount of gas, to keep people in hot water and their home livable is the first tier, then the price ramps up increasing steeply at intervals of use to the point the mcMansion owner may stop heating the porch and the 5 car garage.  I would make an exception for large businesses, they should get a break otherwise it would put them under, but I said a break, but not a free ride on the back of apartment dwellers.

This GOP pricing system is a result of global warming.  We haven't had a winter here in the last 5 or 6 years, natural gas sales are down at the same time fracking is bringing more product to market.  And a few people like me keep adding calking, insulation, and low water use dishwashers, wearing sweaters in the house, we're screwing those fossil fuel guys good now but this will fuck us over.  The ones with the most money make the rules.

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