Monday, October 22, 2012

Don't bet against the sun and the wind.

 We live in a time of illogical and magical cures for government woes and Republican wars.  Cut the government's income (taxes and fees) to grow how much it receives - speed how fast we pay off the debt.  If that was your newly married kid and they came to you saying "mom, dad, sinking into debt, give me advice".  Will your sage advice be "go to your boss and plead for a lower pay"?  Is that it, pay off your bills by having less income?  Who would do this?  Why does half the nation believe this lie that less money in means more things paid for?

The religious right is perfectly happy letting states approve casino's in, cut taxes and open a casino.  The mafi that manages gambling hands the state and county a few percent, the church and the GOP don't bitch about this, sin is OK as a tax on the poor and stupid.

Next time your local gov. comes up with this smart ass idea, suggest a wind energy farm or solar panel fields.  They also generate thousands to local governments in taxes and fees, thousands for local land owners.  Maybe not as much as a casino, though in some cases more.  Remember, drunken drivers and lost paychecks rarely are products of the wind farm.  Pimps and pickpockets don't spend the evening amongst the solar panels.  One more thing, green energy puts money into the local economy the opposite of casino's mining money out of the community to the offshore banks and GOP superpacs.

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