Wednesday, October 31, 2012

womens rights after rape, cut, health care, cut, Romney's plan.


  1. The rmoney fucks are running adds today saying that Obama has cut food stamps. This is their plan, to cut it, they go on and on about it, the only way to get people back to work is starve them, of course if I am starving and can't find work or charity, I will steal and rob. Everyone will. This is animal instinct, so when they cut it all off they better have the mormon church opened up with the biggest fucking soup kitchen and tents in the yard or the crime wave will be out of control in some areas. Oh, and they are still running the Obama is sending jeep jobs to China add too, inspite of the the CEO's of both companies going public saying it is a lie. I have seen dirty races before, but never one where one party lies day after day as a campaign method, never saw that before.


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