Friday, October 5, 2012

job numbers improve, Rmoney's people admit changing positions for votes

Some good news for Obama, 7.8% unemployment, ducked under the dreaded 8%, this is the lowest since early 2009.
Second bit of good news, one of Rmoney's hired mouthpieces said on TV this morning he changes his positions on topics to meet the current audience or polls in order to get votes.    This is big.  Although the gop core will march with him no matter where he goes, and winning at any cost is fine with them, it has to set uneasy on them, .....what does he believe, maybe he is playing the tea party and reichwing like he is playing the undecided and Reagan democrats?  What if he gets elected and decides his Romney care and Obama care are close enough and since he started it why should he reject his own heritage?  What if the country drifts hard left, will he go with them to the center or further to get a second term?  What if his damn prickly Mormon faith leads him to be a Mormon President, not southern baptist, catholics, jews, pentecostals, kkk, not a one of them sleep easy wondering if that could happen.  So, today it was confirmed what we evil 47%ers knew was the case, same hooker, different dress.

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