Monday, February 11, 2013

coal and it's variable weight

Coal companies are ripping off the taxpayer on government land in the west.  They are suppose to pay the government a fee for every ton mined.  First off, the spread is hugh, $10 or higher per ton between the fee and their selling price.  More disturbing is the coal is usually sold first from the mine to a broker, then to a utility, or in the case of ever higher portions, to China.  People trying to investigate this say the amount mined (reported) is lower than what the broker sells.  The thought might cross your mind someone is under reporting and underpaying the American people, the rightful owners of the coal.
Oh, one more thing that makes you wonder.  This broker, this coal dealer, they are almost always owned by the mining company. Why would a company double it's sales and accounting costs? Gosh, all that paper and coal moving around, something is liable to get mixed up, counted wrong, tons of it!  And another thing, does it gall yer tender zones that tax payers are subsidizing China


  1. With my US Reprentative on the take from Peabody Coal Company - what do you expect?


    1. It's a crooked business, stealing with false reports of how much they mine, and bribing congress, call it campaign funds, or a job for the congressman's daughter, its a fucking bribe, it's buying off democracy.


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