Sunday, February 24, 2013

Department of Defense declares global warming, again!

In 2008, in the closing weeks of Bush the Lesser's regime the Pentagon put out a paper declaring global warming was real, and it would cause us problems, and much of the world.  Rising temperatures, water shortages and failed crops would drive mass migrations, wars over these resources, failed nations.

2010 DOD issued another finding, the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review, laying out the dramatic shifts under way and that would escalate and complicate strategy and actions worldwide, due to Global Warming.

Last week DOD published yet another document, CCAR, The Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap.  This one lays out a list of hardships that will befall the military as harsh weather takes a toll.  Expenses will skyrocket as harsh weather, collapse of permafrost, rising seas, crack runways, flood bases, wash out roads, damage foundations, in general the infrastructure cost on bases and training grounds is going to cut deep into weapons purchasing and the ability to train and respond.

Hey GOP, still don't believe it, don't believe the Generals?

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