Wednesday, September 19, 2012

chicken seller sees the 47% as a market they want

Chick-fil-a has reached an agreement with an organization representing people everywhere who were repelled by the companies open funding to groups promoting discrimination based on sexual directions.   Inspite of the church busses running shuttles to the restaurant (at least here) to show their solidarity with hate, the corporation has decided in a change of direction.  They are suppose to cease funding hate, and memos to employees direct tolerance.  If this report stands up for a few days, I will reward them with a visit.  It must be a sad day for the GOP and the pious gay haters to have eaten their guts full of chicken the last 2 months and still see the company change just to make more money, it must seem like a queer bird indeed.


  1. Darrel,
    I have not been in a Chic-fil-a ever since this madness started. Look, as I have often stated -
    I don't give a damn what those people do - It doesn't involve me. And, whom and I, you, or anybody else to judge another?
    I have a thumper right friend up in INDY that told me that gay marriage offended him. "Who cares", is what I replied.

    Good post


    1. One of my best friends in Germany was a lesbian, we had so much fun going to concerts in Frankfurt and hiking in the hills along the mosel. It was really special.

  2. I've never been in one and never will be. Their sins are unforgiveable. :)

    1. I can understand that. And since I am 99% vegetarian the urgency to try it is near zero in reality, I may never get there.

  3. Kulkuri,
    Your question is what everyone is trying to clarify this morning, is it serious or a localized effort to spark business in areas that are not so Reichwing. At any rate, if you never eat there it will be to your health's benefit. Factory raised meat, and then fried, not really something we need.


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