Tuesday, September 4, 2012

organics are better for you than stupid media stories

News today being trumpeted as if a great evil was slain.  Organics are no more nutritious for you than conventional foods.    This is true, but I don't know why this is a surprise.

Organics are better for you, organic foods are healthier.  This is a true statement.
Organic cherries or beef does not have more minerals or vitamins or anti-oxidents in them than conventional produces.  This also is a true statement.
Maybe you heard healthier and believed more nutritious, sorry but they are two different things.
But, the big benefit, the reason to eat organic, and wash your hair and face and use makeup with organic products is to avoid pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, many of which are known or suspected to cause cancer, sexual problems, intelligence issues, neurological and behavior problems, especially in kids.  Avoiding these dangerous compounds is good for you, your kids, the farm workers, birds, the earth.  So, this changed nothing, organics are still good for you and will always be good for you, very good for you, and not always more expensive if you watch the prices, sometimes the difference is a few cents to avoid poison.  Got kids?

Even NPR has fucked this story up, overlooked the issue, and acted as if this finding is the end of the organics myth.  Bullshit, maybe this story was written for them by Bayer and Monsanto and Con-Agra.    Another study last week found that PCB's damage DNA for 2 generations, almost a biblical punishment, 7 generations would be worse.


  1. Verifying I can make a comment before pulling the plug.
    I'm doing more organic than before, not 100%, but some.

  2. hey Skinny, come around some times, always good to hear from you.


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