Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fear fighters, the baby boomer's new burden.

Northeast Missouri west of Hannibal about an hour is Macon.  Macon has a McDonalds, I hate those places, but I ended up there for lunch yesterday on a dash back to Kansas.   While I'm chocking down some white bread sandwich the late 50ish guy at the next table gets a call and it goes like this:
"Hi dad, I'm at lunch"............What?....Why?......Dad there won't be a revolution if Obama wins.........No.......Dad dad, slow down, can you get a drink of water....................................No I'm not going to do that, I voted McCain last time and I'm not going to go that way again.....No.....Well a few months ago you were not going to vote a god damn Mormon, remember that....yes you did......No there wont be a revolution because you can't have a revolution if he compromises on things....have you had your lunch, you need to eat something......yes I'll be over tomorrow.  
He stand up to looks at me and a couple tables nearest and says, "I wish I could buy him a radio that wouldn't get talk shows".

A few weeks ago we visited some older friends, the ladies mother is in her 90"s, lives alone, and she drives over and takes her to mass every single day.  A couple weeks ago she went to pick her up and the old girl was upset, "Obama hates America and is trying to destroy it".  Our friend told her that was not true, and ask "do you really believe he would do that and leave his daughters to live in such a place?"  Her mother would not speak to her for a week, to mass and back without a word.  Fox, our friend told us, she has Fox on TV almost every time I go to pick her up, Fox is scaring her silly.

Before my mother died at 92 she was seeing coyotes, in the yard, in the house, sometimes they laughed at her she said.  She didn't watch TV at all her last 10 years.  I wouldn't trade places with anyone having to dispel Rush and Fox from scaring your parents out of their wits, I had it pretty easy with the coyotes.


  1. FOX appeals to people who are afraid of change and many older people want things to stay precisely the same as they were yesterday. Perhaps it is a lack of energy to embrace anything new and different. Who knows. I just know down south of here where I was living up until a couple of weeks ago, people watch FOX and will tell you how they won't want change coming to their towns. Lack of education also.

    1. You moved out of Norman? Given tests about world events, Fox viewers know the least of any source, even Colbert and Daily viewers know more.

  2. Rust and moss grows on the latent brain...unless you exercise it. As an older codger, I can attest to it. And I can attest to the fact that the moss and rust growers have NEVER used that thing between their ear lobes. FOX just re-enforces their penchant for disuse.

  3. Oops, the moss part forgot to click on the subscribe to email thinger.

    1. A rolling stone gathers no moss, rock and rollers brains might not either.

  4. 'Elvis,' a fellow bartender where I used to work, asked me, in the run-up to the '04 election, who I was going to vote for. I told him Kerry. He said, but he wants the terrorists to win ...

    Why do you say that, I asked. Rush says so, he said.


    1. Poor Elvis, he got Bush instead, and during the Bush adm. more terror attacks hit US assets around the world than during any other president.

  5. Charlie a retired USAFR flight engineer on a C-5 will not watch anything but FUX and listens to talk radio. No newspapers - liberal propaganda, he calls them. Furget Time Magazine...

    Yet, he is right on everything - just ask him.

    Fuk em...


  6. Facts have as "librul" bias, that's why Faux Noise doesn't deal in facts.
    It's not just old people that are being fooled by Faux Noise and talk radio. I have a number of younger relatives that believe that shit. A great-niece thinks the Commies are taking over!!!


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