Wednesday, September 26, 2012

“only some rapes are legitimate.”

Missouri's top rape and vagina magic expert stayed on the ballot, it's final.  Akin, with pumped up millions of donations along with the three amigos Gingrich Huckabee and Rush can expect to learn today what is hitting the fan.  McCaskill has held off attacking him until the final exit closed.  The shit storm is here.  Last night the adds began, simply playing Akin's own words about women, and rape.  Many more are in the que from McCaskill and other interested parties.  Also there is a set ready to go on his plans to kill or privatize social security.
It's still a tight race (red state brain) though Akin has now fallen behind and the GOP and Rove says they will not help him.  They will.  They will rush back soon, after all he didn't say anything they don't agree with.

As a man I cannot imagine what it must be like to listen to men explain rapes in good and bad terms, that there are some gifts to be had from a rape, some rewards not available any other way.  I can't imagine not wanting to see him fall down the fucking stairs into a room full of daddy rapers.


  1. "Squeel like a pig"....

    Deliverance and Ned Beatty

    1. I never thought I would one day believe again like I did when we had Nixon and Agnew in office, that the republicans were cheating and stealing and breaking every law they wanted with their fortunes. Remember that both attorney generals under Nixon were tried and ended up in jail. Never before had that happened, plus the Vice President went to jail, also 31 corporate big wigs from some of the richest companies in the nation were found guilty of election laws, all were either fined or did jail time or both. And the GOP got the same play book out again. Bastards.

  2. Wonder where AKin got the extra money?


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