Saturday, September 22, 2012

Romney appearance on Univision faked Latino support

Can you believe it.  It's true.  Romney refused to go on stage when introduced.  He and his people demanded they retape/restart the show because they didn't like the intro.  In the hours before the taping they told Univision they would back out if they did not get to bring in a hand picked audience.  Tickets that had been handed out at random the days before were denied entrance.  Univision was in a jam and rather than stand up they caved.  Cowards.

When I watched his appearance on the Spanish language Univision, I was struck by how boisterous the crowd was for him.  I did not at the time believe it was a random picked crowd, but I forgot about it until today.  I was right!  Shame on Univison, I hope they catch hell on this.  It was a stunt and they became part of it.


  1. Darrel,
    As you posted today - Ryan had people at the AARP convention walking out on him and the ones that stayed -"booed" his ass.

    My fear is that the Republicans will try and steal the election (which, they did in both Bush elections) and We The People will have Romney shoved up our asses.

    Romney has a kindship with Hispanics? Not unless they are cutting his grass, and cleaning his toilet.


    1. Obama was met with cold silence on much of his appearance, the same ticket holders came back. The GOP has not outsmarted Obama's people many times this election, but they did on this one, big time. Still Univision must have had some top down decisions on this, I can't imagine their press people wouldn't have called his bluff and said he backed out because he wanted full control. bunch of cowards.

  2. Hand picking the audience for Repukes has been the new normal since 2000. Question is, what kind of casting call did they use to get enough Latinos for the show??

    1. I don't know, maybe the hotels made the maids go there like the miners at the Rmoney speech in Penn. Not mandatory the mine owner said, but required.

      I tell you this truthfully. a few years ago a machine shop owner told me that the day before election day he claims they need a big push in production, he sets a long day of overtime on election day to keep his guys from voting before or after work.


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