Sunday, September 16, 2012

Oil kills

Kansas is raising speed limits as quick as the last 2 guys working for the state under the Brownback cuts can hang them.  There was no public cry for this, oil companies lobbied for it.  If you jump from 55 to 75, cost you about 15% more gas.  One divided wreck prone stretch jumped 55 to 70, it is not a limited access and lots of traffic, It is scary now with people darting across, I don't like that road now. Hey, kill a few, but sell more gas.

Texas is raising theirs too, one stretch of I35 goes to 85, that's gonna burn some crude.

This last 3 years the number of miles driven in the US is down.  The average mpg of all our cars together has improved, so we burn fewer gallons to go each mile, and we go fewer miles.  The last 3 years has been a drillers boom, the GOP acts like Obama is not letting them drill, hell the drilling rig count (in operation) has never been higher, we are moving more carbon from where it belongs to where it doesn't than any time in history, if you don't believe me just look at Greenland.  Yet, gas prices are near record highs right now.

Do these scuffles over a video (and lets be realistic, these are scuffles, they do not threaten our shores, these are mobs, and by the way Bush had more of this kind of crap than has Obama, 10 fold at least)  make you more interested in saving fuel, higher mileage vehicles, bicycles, trains, electric vehicles charged by wind and solar?  The best thing we could do for the environment, for world peace, and for our military, would be to pack up, leave, and never buy another gallon from them.

1 comment:

  1. If you make the speed limit 85 - the no rules morons will do 105.

    So, stay off the interstates and use US and state highways - take your time, enjoy the scenery, and get there and back alive.



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