Monday, February 10, 2014

state employees can refuse to serve gay couples

Kansas legislature has been spending it's time wisely.  Passing bills like one that affirm the states support for Christian services and prayers on military bases.  Wow, good thing that's fixed, I didn't even know we had to do that.  WTF?  In case you don't know, that's been an internet rumor for 5 years, even a niece sent me a right wing scare-mail that the prez made it illegal to pray on base.  Her father was in the Army, I wrote back and said run to the church on base, run to the chaplain, ask if he will pray with you?   How can you believe this crap when you have it at your fingertips?   Last email I ever got from her, I am now the crazy uncle, the one who throws facts at your stupidity.

But I digress.  The very very important thing they are working on now has a lovely name something about religious freedom to judo faggots or something like that.  It will allow employees of state/local governments to refuse to serve gay couples, cause they might ruin your marriage while your selling them a car tag.  It goes like this, the clerk that does marriage licenses can claim her religious freedom is infringed if she has to sell queers a ticket to matrimony.  But, it covers everything else, and legislators say it's being written in a way businesses can use it as well.   So if two men show up for a marriage licenses it's going to be a pretty sure guess.  But two women at the gay hating Chick-file or Hobby Lobby and the clerk says nope I don't serve gay couples, how can the clerk be sure, the book by the cover rule applies.  What about two men go into the registrar of deeds or city planning office to research future plans and property lines for an investment, clerk decides (right or wrong) this is a gay couple and refuses to serve them.

This may end up causing the state lots of trouble, create a population that can be denied by anyone within the system, state sanctioned discrimination, I see law suits, red ink.  Thanks GOP.


  1. So much hate. Leave them people alone they are bothering anyone. Look as long as someone ain't patting me on the ass and telling me I am a hot bitch; I don't give a damn what they do.
    As I wrote in Kulkuri's blog - give me a non-religous reason to oppose gay marriage...

    Great post!


    1. You and I might go somewhere and if someone decides we might be a gay couple, no service. Other than at the marriage license desk, it's a guess if we are or aren't.

  2. An exceptional position for many.

    1. It's a "stand your ground" law, if you feel threatened then the circle is compete, you have the right to act against the other.

  3. Years of litigation to follow (at least a couple). It will never withstand judicial scrutiny. Not at the federal level anyway. You might as well say 'my religious beliefs prohibit the 'mixing of the races,' therefore I insist on the right to practice segregation in my restaurant.'

    1. Hopefully it will not get out of committee, but.......


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