Tuesday, May 10, 2011

$182,000, or die in the ditch like the Grapes of Wrath dude.

If the GOP can kill or wound Medicare as they plan to, you may not have enough money.  If you are 54 years old (or less) you need an additional $182,000 saved for health care when you retire.  Those vouchers you hear about, those are 182k short of what your going to need.

Lets see, didn't we learn a few days ago 9% official unemployed, 16% estimated real unemployed number, of the working public 40% have low paying jobs.  So...........whats the big deal at 54 you have 8 years to save 182k.  Oh, wait they are moving the retirement age up so that's good news you have more than 10 years, plenty of time.  What's that?  Your company keeps getting sold and resold, no raise with one, the next cut wages, the next cut benefits, your spouse lost their job and took something they really didn't want, if the car breaks down that's the end of that job, busses don't go down there.

Social security if the GOP gets there way will be turned over to Wall Street and the Bankers, thats good news too don't you think?

You, Mr and Mrs America, can take care of your money better than some government bureaucrat, it's your money.  So, lets look around.  My parents, your uncle, the guy down the street paid into these programs, and now they are getting the assistance they expected.  Now, do you know of anyone in the family or neighborhood who got hosed in the stock market, a bum property development scheme, an ostrich farm, a second mortgage on the home, fraud, or a trip to Nevada?

The GOP has the best salesmen in the world without an exception anywhere, ever.  They have  convinced the public to fear and hate a system that has never screwed anyone out of their retirement.  The GOP's success is visible, much of the public is begging, demanding, to risk fucking up their retirement and throw it away,  irretrievable,  into a market so complex even the brokers can't tell you what some of these instruments are and who they are buying them from.

182k, thats just what you need to go along with the vouchers, if you qualify for vouchers.  You also need to get up every morning and nurse an ulcer when you see your stock went down, or your banker is in jail, or when you finally understand the quartly statement and see the service fees are eating up the principle even as the market goes down, oh shit maybe we should sell short, a coverd short, or a naked put,  what is a naked put, lets by futures, that sounds like a money maker, damn, FDIC doesn't cover corporate bonds do they, lets do it on line surely the hackers won't find steal our account.  Good fucking luck if you let these pricks do this to America.  Before it's all done shoplifting seniors will be the norm.

Oh, funny as hell, the tea baggers, mostly they are already retired, they are the ones who really want these changes, changes that for the most part won't touch them, in fact many of them will be dead before it kicks in.  Hard for me to imagine why they want to do this, and if it's a good deal make it immediate across the board.  Send the sonofabitch a voucher tomorrow, and with their final social security check include the phone number of a gold broker, after all they have been harping on the price of gold as harbinger of things to come the last few years, if they are not expert on it by now then fuck them.


  1. well let's hope the picture you paint here is just GOP intent, and will never come to pass.

    Right now in New York State they are getting ready to have an election in the 26th District (For Congressman) and the Republican candidate is running behind in the polls.

    This seat has been Republican for over 20 years - and the main reason it might fall to the Democrats is that although the district is heavy Republican - they are for the most part "older" Republicans (majority are 45 or older) and the experts are saying that the Republicans intent to "kill" medicare is the biggest reason why the Democrat is leading.

    we can only hope

  2. I wouldn't mind if they cut Medicare a little, but when they are blowing money on other things like a drunken visitor in Vegas, starting on health care seems a bit heartless.

  3. We as a nation do need to have a serious debate regarding Medicare and Social Security. SS is a pretty easy fix; remove the cap on earnings subject to the tax. Social Security is basically a fixed cost (just needs to be indexed for inflation).

    Medicare, on the other hand, has some issues. How much spending is justified on a patient who is basically terminal? Should everyone have the same "coverage," regardless of contributions made during ones working life?

    Should people choose their own plan, starting when they begin their work careers? Could we solve all these problems with single-payer? Or would that just make them bigger?

  4. I sort of lean to the need-based apprioach - If you are wealthy - you don't need Medicare or at least full Medicare. Privatation would be a huge mistake...

    Oh, Fringe is right about Medicare and the GOP. The Republicans in the Senate will not say a word about touching Medicare..

    Boehner, Ryan, and the baggers have shit in their front lawns...



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