Saturday, May 7, 2011

Do something, do it well, and move on.


  1. What do you think is next? Some kind of jobs program, maybe?

  2. The US needs to start programs like the WPA and CCC of the Depression era to put the unemployed to work building up our infrastructure.

  3. Whit,
    You are exactly correct! The problem would be the Republicans and money from contractors follows by claims of BIG government...

    Then the unions...

    I have always been in favor of a Workfare program - If you draw unemployment or assistance - you do some civic work while you seek a job...


  4. while Whit's idea is probably needed (at the moment) an increasingly worrisome thing to me is - that almost half of Americans are now working in jobs considered 'low paying.'

    With that in mind - I cringe at the idea of WPA type jobs.

    What we need is a 'booming'' economy with good paying jobs and WPA type jobs - while needed as I said - does nothing but solidifies the idea that good jobs are not to be found in America anymore.

    If you pray - then pray that Obama and team can do more than create WPA jobs.

    We need to re-train Americans to 'go out and bust their ass' and start making money the old fashioned way - 'by earning it with a good paying job.'

    Way Too many Americans standing around with their hands out.

  5. NAC
    I don't know what's next, maybe more gOP silliness with the budget trying to strip every for of support for the poor out of it.

  6. Whit I agree, but I just don't think he will get very far into that. The republicans will block it in the house and he doesn't have enough balls working for him in the Senate. The cry over the debt will win the day is my guess.

  7. Sarge,
    You touch an interesting item. Where there are few jobs, a workfare plan would be good, of course you know it invites howls from the right of socialism. But at some point when all methods of support run out, stealing is morally acceptable if you ask me. Do you let your baby starve, no, you find a way to get some oatmeal and milk out of the store.

  8. Ice,
    Agreed. (with some caveats)
    Sure there are some with their hands out that are freeloading. But, human nature is such that this will always be a minority, most people want to get ahead, do better, own more things, and this was the downfall of communism, people longed for more and their interest in a system that was otherwise stymied growth and lead to black markets and corruption in order to get more.
    I do not fear WPA type programs much, as the result of such a program if installed will be as it was for our grandparents, what ever they make of their labors adds value to their lives and the nations. And who says it should be planting trees in the park as grandparents did. It can be a form of shop class OJT combining retraining with a stipend or making things using the latest manufacturing methods, something such as fold for storage emergency housing units for natural disaster, or those tiny wood stoves that take very little wood and produce very little smoke that are needed in the third world, and maybe here too. It could be training on retrofitting homes with low cost energy savings features and products.

  9. Also, consider, once people are working again they're spending again, spurring the economy, creating demand, more jobs, tighter labor market, wages rise, expanding tax revenues without raising taxes, etc.

    Naturally the Republicans will be against it.


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