Sunday, May 8, 2011

$90 million , a lobbyist frenzy for Paki-land

What does Pakistan do with the 2+ Billion dollars we give them each year?  Well since Bin Laden was found dozing at the gate of their West Point, they have been spending like hell, in Washington.
Lobbyist (many are ex-government people, even an ex senator or two) are suspected to have a 90 million budget for a panic effort to save Paki-land from the budget cuts the public wants to see.
So, who do you think will win this tug of war?   Foreign governments lobby (read blow and give money to) our congress, unseemly.

I can see a reason to continue the aid, a little of it, with strings attached.  Pakiland has no where to go, India is the giant next door they hate and fear and it's economy and power is growing.  Pakiland without foreign aid is a failed cripple of a nation in every way you can account for.  The Chinesedon't need them and probably don't want to support this basket of maggots.  Only the bombs they have could be marketable to Iran or a lunitic and that is where we need to play our cards correctly, get them in line or nab the bombs, or tell India where they are, they may one day deal with it.


  1. A nest of vipers for certain. I concur, not another dime. But, as to the Chinese - they seem to be taking a interest in Pakistan.


  2. Washington DC needs it's name changed to Caching-a-ling on the Potomac....


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