Thursday, May 5, 2011

you're surplus to the economy, fuck off


  1. How appropriate.....well stated...and so so true....

  2. YF, I still owe you some thoughts on this subject. Soon!

  3. I went over to the gym last night, a guy I see there all the time, a guy that doesn't talk to me much came over, he was upset. He said he had just heard on (some?) news report that 40% of those Americans lucky enough to have a job right now, occupy jobs which are now rated as low paying jobs. TAke out the official unemployed, the uncounted unemployed, the kids, the old, the jailed and infirm, there are not very many people now with a properly paying job, and what is the GOP saying about a portion of them, the school teachers and firemen? We can't afford them they say, cut their benefits cut their wages or cut them.

    We may already have a middle class that is a minority within the population. As my exercise buddy pointed out, I don't think there are many democracies or many great societies without a middle class, it just doesn't seem to have a good rate of success.

  4. that is distressing news (40% of Americans are in low-paying jobs).

    think I'll go ahead and get drunk tonight


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