Friday, May 6, 2011

PT Barnum in disbelief at high consumer satisfaction with a product that will never exist.

   Clean coal projects shutting down, worldwide 3,200 carbon sequestration projects by governments, universities and industry were under way until recently.  45 of them were large, rated as full scale attempts to glean CO2 from fossil fuel power generation and stuff it below ground.  The testing so far is a colossal disappointment.  The equipment and infrastructure required is equal to the size of the power plant it services, much energy is required for it's operation, the cost is dear casting all the more attraction on renewables and conservation.  
   Of the 45 projects, 6 remain,  two sites in Norway and one each in the US, Netherlands, Canada and Algeria are still in operation, and only one of these is scrubbing coal smoke, the others are on natural gas.
  Industry knows now it will not deliver clean energy from fossil fuel.  But it will continue spending millions on nightly TV and weekly newspaper adds bragging of it's merits.  The myth is the only asset they have now, and it sells.


  1. the yellow image:

    Sometimes an image is more profitable to an industry than reality.

  2. It is all about money. You follow the money trail and via lobbyists pimps and it will lead you to our whores in our Congress...


  3. I think most people think clean coal is where they take coal and run it through an industrial dishwasher before using it.

  4. Whit,
    So right, like the Mcdonald adds that never talk about crappy food, intangibles can be easy to sell to the gullible.

  5. Sarge,
    You take that back. Not all the whores are as bad as you suggest by linking them to lobbyist.

  6. Skinny,
    Most people don't give it even that irrational thought, they just see pretty pictures in the adds and hear that it's clean, it's from America, it gives people jobs, and it keeps the clock radio winking on the counter all the time.


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