"Some conservative Republicans in the House are expected to balk at the new tax-cutting plan because it is not as aggressive as a deficit-inducing proposal that lawmakers rammed through last week..."
Wichita Eagle
For the last month, every day they are to vote, and many times it was sure to pass, but did not. The Republican (there are almost no democrats in the Kansas state government, at any level) run body is bickering about details, but it is essentially this;
*The current surplus will become 2.4 Billion $'s in debt within 5 years. In a state of 2.8 million people, less than half at working age, makes the California's 16 Billion debt for 37 million people less serious than what KS will face.
*Farm income will not be taxed.
*Most sole proprietor's and some forms of corporations will not be taxed.
*Income tax will be reduced on highest earners.
*Dividend, capital gains, those taxes will be reduced or eliminated.
*Earned Income tax credits, normally claimed by the lowest earners, will be reduced.
*Tax deductions for special medical equipment used by the disabled, eliminated.
*Medical expense for abortion, eliminated.
*Business expense for that portion of insurance policy paid by employer that covers abortion, eliminated.
(The last 4 items will increase the state's income slightly, but are a tax on the workers and poor.)
Governor Brownback, a fundamentalist Catholic, (he belongs to a group that beat themselves when they think they did wrong) is busy cutting services and benefits, laid off 6,000 a few months ago, then worries that Boeing will unwisely lay off 1500, oh my oh my.
As soon as this bill is passed, I stop paying Kansas any tax, none, uh uh, nothing. I'm a job creator. After all I have a little farm, sole proprietor sales job, even get a dividend sometimes from the farmers co-op, yes sir, and it's best to leave us job creators alone, we have a "stand your ground" laws. Fuck the poor. At last I see the light. Douche me with water from Brownback's font, I see the 1%ers light, I can't get to it, but I finally see it.
But, whats up with this logic? Bush run up national debt, it didn't ceate more jobs and that was good, Obama is adding to the debt though at a slower pace, and that is really really fucking bad, in fact he is crushing our future with his slow pace addition. And here in Kansas we have a surplus, and the GOP is setting out to cut tax on the rich, or in my case on someone who could pay it, and they intend with clear purpose to throw the state into severe debt by giving to those who don't need it and taking from those who need it.
Republicans, I am more convinced every day,
want to create a permanent underclass with no hope. Drive the state into debt, rob the schools then hand out vouchers for religious and private schools, concentrate the wealth, trap future governors in debt. Don't believe me, go back, read the first line in this post again. Tell me how can this help the state as a whole, I understand how it helps farmers who made 3 billion last year in Kansas,and will not pay state taxes again. Oh, and if you disagree, be careful how you say it, your talking to a job creator now, and there is a certain decorum your obliged to observe.
Bonus round, yesterday Brownback signed a law giving pharmacies the right to refuse filling birth control products to women. It did not address viagra use, just vagina use.
Clarify....."farmer", currently their is a mad rush, a price bubble, as speculators, uber-rich farmers, and farming corporations dive into farming. That guy with the red barn and chickens in front of the house is nearly a myth as the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few does to grandpa's farm what it did for the neighborhood bank, fucking kills it.