Tuesday, April 16, 2013

6,610 One Hundred Watt Bulbs, follow up, from 3 posts ago.

A few days ago Ron aka Sarge from OneAngryZebra asked how much I saved with the CF bulbs and the new low energy rated dishwasher and fridge.  I was ranting about my bill, and by way of an example of how many 100 watt bulbs blistering away for an hour, I found it was 6,610.

OK here's the answer, sort of, without supporting calculations, just accept it OK.  Well it isn't easy.  I took the 11 most used light fixtures, the ones I have a decent guess of how much they are on each day, and these 11 are CF equal to 60 watt, average 14 watt.
The energy savings, these 11 CF over conventional is $66.44 yr. or $5.50 mo.
New fridge saved $45.50 yr. or $4.58 mo.
New dishwasher saved $32.00 yr. or 2.67 mo.
Total $143.94 yr. or $12.00 mo.
Now $144 is not much I guess, but she mounts up real pretty, 7 years to a thousand dollars, what was that Ben Franklin said?

The real savings is greater than these numbers show.  I have CF bulbs in most the house inside and out, and one LED.  I really couldn't come up with a decent estimate for those with less routine use.  As for the dishwasher it also uses a fraction of the water the old one did.  The fridge and dishwasher pooped out, so when I bought I went for the most energy savings model I could get.

If you use the purchase price of the bulb and the life, it gets really good.  The LED I bought will last for 15 years or better, and save $158 in energy at current rates.  CF's prices have fallen to under $2 a bulb in 8 packs.

Scroll down, the first "6,610" post is near.

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