Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Computer blown away, shooter OK, may get safety award

Yesterday, in Kansas, where recently passed laws allow guns everywhere, even in schools, because the more guns around kids the safer they are, a security officer was stroking his 2nd amendment fetish when it went off in his hands.  The anti bad guy device passed through a wall and a computer in another room injuring someone.  The story so poorly reported it's unclear if the injured, whoever they may be, was struck by the 2nd amendment or shards of the computer.


  1. Remember back when the two Sky Cops in the gaurd shack at the main gate a Bitburg were playing "quick draw" and one of them dropped a .38 round through another's guts?


    1. No, don't remember that, but it sounds about right.

  2. "The story so poorly reported it's unclear if the injured, whoever they may be, was struck by the 2nd amendment or shards of the computer"...Hahahahahahahahahaha!

  3. I'm sure the NRA covered that up quickly.


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