Tuesday, March 20, 2012

like a cat on a hot tin roof, jump down or die

1) Oklahoma denier in chief Sen. Inhofe remarks to Rachel Madow he believed in global warming until he heard how much it cost to fix it.  Can I use that logic, I believed in cancer till I found out it would cost a lot to remove it so I could live longer.  And his fossil fuel owners have been fixing it ever since, just not for you or me.   The reality is, like buying a CF light bulb, it cost more at first, but soon it turns into a profit center that we make or save money and resources with.

2) 2011 was the hottest year globally ever recorded.  The poor deniers, this must bum them out yet will give them reason to howl.  One of the global temp monitoring operations is called "HadCRUT".  One of the main points of deniers, of the numerous monitoring/reporting groups around the world, this groups data showed 2008 as the hottest, so, ah ha, the earth was cooling even though all others said 2011 was tied with 08 or the hottest.  HadCRUT found that they had not picked up many of the new monitor sites set up in the last few years. When they added this data it brought them in agreement with the others and chops off one of the deniers proofs.  Never fear though, it's a plot, but, they often say we need to look at the data and do more study, heres a case where that was done.  Sha-Zam!

3) I was in Memphis over the weekend, driving around in a historical neighborhood I saw a guy in his yard, lowered the window and ask him to tell me what were some of the flowering bushes in his yard, he was real happy to do it, then added he had never seen them all blum at once, 15° to warm he said, global warming is screwing up my display.

4)  Swiss scientist completed simulating on a mountain temperatures of about 5°f higher than now year round.  Many plants cannot live in it.  Like humans with a fever of 5°, short periods are survivable, full time, you die.


  1. 85 yesterday in Indianapolis. Shit, we have had monster snow storms in March in Indiana...

    Look who Inhofe is on the take from - big energy
    and big oil.


  2. I thought that interview with Inhofe was one of Rachel's best. He seemed determined to filibuster the entire program's time frame, going off on long little monologues. She was very patient with him, took a commercial break, and then after that break fileted the asshole like a surgeon. He ended up stammering around, denying people and things he had just confirmed knowledge of. It was great.

    Inhofe is the epitome of what's wrong with Congress.


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