Late in the Bush 43 reign of terror and stupid, the Pentagon issued papers saying global warming was here, it was now, and it would cause mass migrations, wars, more failed nations, hunger, disease. This was the same thing insurance companies around the world told their major clients a few years ago along with warnings of severe weather losses and higher premiums to come. The military services launched a program of alternative energies and conservation, some of which the congress has tried to stop. The US military is the largest single energy consumer on the planet. They are moving to new technologies to be part of the solution, and more importantly to reduce the cost and risk of energy supply lines. You can read the Air Force's latest effort to bring the rank and file up to speed at the address below, you can also find the video (so I read) on the Air Force News web site. Not a very snazzy read, but thats the military.
Obama visited that huge solar panel energy site the AF built out at Nellis (Las Vegas for you none blue-suiters) and here in town the Army Finance Center has coated the roof with solar panels. Also, the AF has been leaving the way with bio-fuels for aircraft.